

Balance Usage Formula
Balance Recovery Formula
Damage Formula
Health Regeneration Formula
Spirit Recovery Formula
Healing Formula (Self)
Healing Formula (Others)
Radius Healing Formula

Balance Usage Formula

Balance used per swing = (5/3)*([Accuracy] + ([Min Damage] + [Max Damage]*3)/4)

Notice I'm using Balance, Accuracy, and Damage, NOT Balthus, Atkus, and Darkus. Each rank of Atkus increases your Accuracy by 16 points, each rank of Darkus increases both your Min and Max Damage stats by 6 points, and each rank of Balthus increases your Balance by 51 points. Min and Max Damage stats are weighed in the equation such that they contribute equally in relation to their effect on average damage. The conversion of the equation to trainer values would be:

Balthus used per swing = (80/153)*Atkus + (30/153)*Darkus

In other words, each rank of Atkus and Darkus increase the amount of balance used per swing:

Atkus by 0.523 Balthus per rank.
Darkus by 0.196 Balthus per rank.

Atkus uses 2.67 time more Balance per rank than Darkus. (Ratio of 16:6 to be exact)

Accuracy and Damage bonuses from racial stats, weapons, Mystic boosts, or any other sources will also be used in the equation.

It is in fact possible to train so much Atkus that you cannot swing. The amount of Balthus provided in Atkus is less than the amount of Balance it consumes per swing per rank, so with enough training the amount of Balance consumed in a single swing could become greater than your total Balance. However, starting racial stats for Balance are much higher than for other skills, from 86.27-115.69 Balthus ranks. This combined with the Balthus in Atkus means that even a newbie would have to train nothing but Atkus for a very long time before becoming unable to swing. Darkus provides enough Balthus relative to his effect on Balance consumption that it is actually possible to maintain at least a single swing forever with only Atkus and Darkus ranks.


Balance Recovery Formula

Balance recovered per frame = (1/6)*[Balance Recovery]

Using trainer values, the formula becomes:

Balthus recovered per Frame = (5/102)*Regia

So, every frame your Balance recovers by an amount of Balthus equal to 0.049 times your Regia. It takes 20.4 frames for 1 rank of Regia to restore an amount of Balance equal to 1 rank of Balthus, or around 4.4, 4.78, or 5.1 seconds during late night, normal time, and prime time respectively.

A swing freezes you for 4 frames (with most weapons), in which time your Balance will recover by an amount of Balthus equal to 0.196 times your Regia.

Base stats for Balance and Balance Recovery vary by race, from 20-33.33 ranks of Regia and 86.27-115.69 ranks of Balthus. Many weapons and other items will increase or decrease your Balance and Balance Recovery stats (This is in addition to the expected changes in Balance Usage from their Accuracy and Damage modifiers).


Damage Formula

On hit:

Damage Dealt = 100 + max(0, random([Min Damage], [Max Damage]*3))

This equation uses Health and Damage stat values, not Histia and Darkus values. Each rank of Darkus increases both your Min and Max Damage stat values by 6, so you end up with 6-18 Damage per Darkus rank. There is also a hidden extra +100 Damage (about 0.9 Histia) applied to each hit that doesn't consume any Balance. I believe the purpose of this was so that monsters and players with a stat value of 0 Damage would still deal a tiny amount of Damage when attacking. A character with 0 Fighter ranks and of the right race can reach this point by equipping certain items that decrease Damage dealt.

Using trainer values this equation becomes:

Histia Damage = (100/111) + (6/111)*random(Darkus, Darkus*3)

Confused? When you hit something you deal a random amount of damage. The lowest possible hit you can deal is about 1/3 of the highest possible hit you can deal. Your Damage range may actually be *slightly* wider (or narrower, in some cases) than this due to races and weapons that increase Min and Max Damage stats in different ratios than Darkus, as well as the flat 100 points of Damage added to each hit. Of course, with any significant amount of training to increase your Damage, the difference becomes negligible. However, the ratio can be *significantly* off if you've trained much with Bangus (the Ranger combo trainer), because he also increases Min and Max Damage in a wider ratio than Darkus.

Lowest Possible Histia Hit = 0.054 * Darkus (1/18.5th of your Darkus)
Average Histia Hit = 0.108 * Darkus (1/9.25th of your Darkus)
Highest Possible Histia Hit = 0.162 * Darkus (1/6.16667th of your Darkus)


Health Regeneration Formula

Health regenerated per frame = (1/100)*[Health Regeneration]

Troilus gives 6 points of Health Regeneration per rank, Histia gives 111 points of Health per rank, and Higgrus gives 120 points of Health per rank. Using these values, the equation becomes:

Histia regenerated per frame = (1/1850)*Troilus


Higgrus regenerated per frame = (1/2000)*Troilus

It takes 1850 frames for 1 rank of Troilus to restore an amount of Health equal to 1 rank of Histia, or around 6:40, 7:13, or 7:42 minutes during late night, normal time, and prime time respectively. Base Health Regeneration for Thooms is equal to 50 Troilus ranks, while all other races have a base of 16.67 Troilus ranks.

If a Ranger is morphed, their trained Health Regeneration is multiplied by 6, and is then capped off at the Health Regeneration of the creature being morphed into. If a Ranger is morphed into a creature with enough Health Regeneration that he's not affected by this cap, it only takes 308.33 frames for 1 rank of trained Troilus to heal 1 rank of Histia, or around 1:07, 1:12, or 1:17 minutes during late night, normal time, and prime time respectively.


Spirit Recovery Formula

Spirit recovered per frame = (1/100)*[Spirit Recovery]

Healers: Sespus gives 29 points of Spirit per rank, and Respia gives 24 points of Spirit Recovery per rank.
Rangers: Splash and Spleisha both give 375 points of Spirit per rank, and Respin gives 32 points of Spirit Recovery per rank.
Champions: Toomeria gives 500 points of Spirit per rank. Zo, Dwarf, and Fen Champions have a base of 504 Spirit Recovery points. Human and Sylvan Champions have a base of 604 Spirit Recovery points. Thoom and Halfling Champions have a base of 704 Spirit Recovery points. Equipping any of the Earth Minerals decreases Spirit Recovery by 100 points.
Using rank values, the equation becomes:

Sespus recovered per frame = (6/725)*Respia

Splash recovered per frame = (8/9325)*Respin

(Zo, Dwarf, Fen) Toomeria recovered per frame = 0.01008
(Human, Sylvan) Toomeria recovered per frame = 0.01208
(Thoom, Halfling) Toomeria recovered per frame = 0.01408
Subtract 0.002 Toomeria per frame from these values when an Earth Mineral is equipped.

It takes 120.833 frames for 1 rank of Respia to restore an amount of Spirit equal to 1 rank of Sespus, or around 26.1, 28.3 or 30.2 seconds during late night, normal time, and prime time respectively.
It takes 1165.625 frames for 1 rank of Respin to restore an amount of Spirit equal to 1 rank of Splash, or around 4:12, 4:33, 4:51 minutes during late night, normal time, and prime time respectively.


Healing Formula (Self)

Health healed per pulse = 10 * ([Healing Speed]/100 + (31/100)*[Self-Heal Efficiency]/100 + (15/100)*[Healing Receptivity])
Health healed per pulse is capped at twice the contribution from your Healing Speed stat.
Spirit drained per pulse = 20 * [Healing Speed]/100

Each rank of Faustus is worth 33 points towards Healing Speed, each rank of Sprite/Spiritus is worth 1 point towards Healing Receptivity, and each rank of Awaria is worth 100 points towards Self-Heal Efficiency.
Higgrus is worth 120 Health per rank, and Sespus is worth 29 Spirit per rank.
Using these rank values, the equations become:

Higgrus healed per pulse = (33/1200)*Faustus + (31/1200)*Awaria + (15/1200)*Sprite
Higgrus per pulse is capped at double (33/1200)*Faustus.
Sespus drained per pulse = (33/145)*Faustus

If your Respia is greater than 27.5 times your Faustus, including racial values for Respia and Faustus, you will regain spirit faster than you can use it while self-healing.

If self-healing continuously, your Respia ranks will give the equivalent of between 2 to 4 Troilus, depending on how much higher your Awaria and Sprite ranks have pushed the size of your self-heal pulses relative to your Faustus base.
Your self-heal pulses will restore between 0.1208333 to 0.2416667 Higgrus per Sespus consumed, depending on how higher your Awaria and Sprite ranks have pushed the size of your self-heal pulses relative to your Faustus base.
These values will be cut down to 50% if the healing comes from the basic Sylphstone, or down to 75% if the healing comes from the Sylphstone with Metta Sylpha training.

The multiplier on the size of your self-heal pulses over your Faustus base can be expressed with the equation:

(For every race except Zo) Self-heal multiplier = 1 + (15*Sprite + 31*Awaria)/(700 + 33*Faustus)
(For Zos) Self-heal multiplier = 1 + (15*Sprite + 31*Awaria)/(600 + 33*Faustus)
Capped at 2.
(Stats from your character's race are already factored into these equations)

Due to how the game handles integer round-off in the formulas, Faustus is stepped every 3.0303 ranks, Sprite and Spiritus are stepped every 6.6667 ranks, and Awaria is stepped every 3.2258 ranks.

With a self-heal multiplier of 1, if self-healing continuously, it takes 1000 frames for 1 rank of Respia to restore an amount of health equal to 1 rank of Higgrus, or around 3:36, 3:54, 4:10 minutes during late night, normal time, and prime time respectively.
With a self-heal multiplier at the cap of 2, if self-healing continuously, it takes 500 frames for 1 rank of Respia to restore an amount of health equal to 1 rank of Higgrus, or around 1:48, 1:57, 2:05 minutes during late night, normal time, and prime time respectively.


Healing Formula (Others)

Health healed per frame = [Heal Rate Multiplier] * ([Healing Speed]/100 + [Target's Healing Receptivity]/4)
Spirit drained per frame = [Drain Multiplier] * [Healing Speed]/100
Health drained per frame = [Drain Multiplier] * ([Healing Speed]/100 + [Target's Healing Receptivity]/4)/2

The multipliers are determined by your target's class, whether he is sharing or not, and whether he is in your clan or not:
(Heal Rate Multiplier) (Drain Multiplier)
Healers 1.75 1
Non-Healers: Sharing 1 1
Non-Healers: Clanmate, Not Sharing 0.96 1.125
Non-Healers: Not Sharing 0.85 1.5

Each rank of Faustus is worth 33 points towards Healing Speed, each rank of Sprite/Spiritus is worth 1 point towards Healing Receptivity, each rank of Rodnus is worth 2 points towards Healing Receptivity.
Higgrus is worth 120 Health per rank, Histia is worth 111 Health per rank, and Sespus is worth 29 Spirit per rank.
Using these rank values, the equations become:

(On Healers) Higgrus healed per frame = 1.75 * ((33/12000)*Faustus + (25/12000)*(Target's Sprite or Spiritus))
(On Non-Healers) Histia healed per frame = (Heal Rate Multiplier) * ((33/11100)*Faustus + (50/11100)*(Target's Rodnus) + (25/11100)*(Target's Spiritus))
Sespus drained per frame = (Drain Multiplier) * (33/2900)*Faustus
Higgrus drained per frame = (Drain Multiplier) * ((33/24000)*Faustus + (50/24000)*(Target's Rodnus) + (25/24000)*(Target's Sprite or Spiritus))

Due to how the game handles integer round-off in the formulas, Faustus is stepped every 3.0303 ranks, Sprite and Spiritus are stepped every 4 ranks, and Rodnus is stepped every 2 ranks.

Each Faustus rank adds the equivalent of 9.625 Troilus ranks to Healers when healing them.
Each Faustus rank adds the equivalent of 5.5 Troilus ranks to sharing Fighters when healing them.
Each Faustus rank adds the equivalent of 5.28 Troilus ranks to non-sharing Fighter clanmates when healing them.
Each Faustus rank adds the equivalent of 4.675 Troilus ranks to non-sharing Fighters when healing them.

When healing Healers, it takes 207.79 frames for 1 rank of Faustus to restore an amount of health equal to 1 rank of Higgrus, or around 44.9, 48.7, or 51.9 seconds during late night, normal time, and prime time respectively.
When healing sharing Fighters, it takes 336.36 frames for 1 rank of Faustus to restore an amount of health equal to 1 rank of Histia, or around 1:13, 1:19, or 1:24 minutes during late night, normal time, and prime time respectively.
When healing non-sharing Fighter clanmates, it takes 350.38 frames for 1 rank of Faustus to restore an amount of health equal to 1 rank of Histia, or around 1:16, 1:22, or 1:28 minutes during late night, normal time, and prime time respectively.
When healing non-sharing Fighters, it takes 395.72 frames for 1 rank of Faustus to restore an amount of health equal to 1 rank of Histia, or around 1:25, 1:33, or 1:39 minutes during late night, normal time, and prime time respectively.

When being healed as a Healer, each Sprite or Spiritus rank adds the equivalent of 7.2916667 Troilus ranks per Healer on you, or 0.757576 Faustus to those Healers.
When being healed as a sharing Fighter, each Rodnus rank adds the equivalent of 8.333 Troilus ranks per Healer on you, or 1.51515 Faustus to those Healers.
When being healed as a sharing Fighter, each Spiritus rank adds the equivalent of 4.16667 Troilus ranks per Healer on you, or 0.757576 Faustus to those Healers.
When being healed as a non-sharing Fighter clanmate, each Rodnus rank adds the equivalent of 8 Troilus ranks per Healer on you, or 1.51515 Faustus to those Healers.
When being healed as a non-sharing Fighter, each Rodnus rank adds the equivalent of 7.08333 Troilus ranks per Healer on you, or 1.51515 Faustus to those Healers.

If your Respia is greater than 1.375 times your Faustus, you will regain spirit while healing a Healer or sharing Fighter.
If your Respia is greater than 1.546875 times your Faustus, you will regain spirit while healing a non-sharing Fighter clanmate.
If your Respia is greater than 2.0625 times your Faustus, you will regain spirit while healing a non-sharing Fighter.
Racial values for Respia and Faustus must be factored into these ratios.


Radius Healing Formula

Total Healing Rate = [Moonstone Healing Rate] + (2/3)*Radium - 10
(Note: Radium's contribution may not be the exact amount described, but is very close to it)

Base Health healed per target per frame = min(5*[Moonstone Healing Rate]/12, [Total Asklepian Healing Rate] / [Number of Targets])
Health healed per target per frame w/ Rodnus = [Base Asklepian Healing Rate] + ([Healing Receptivity Addition] / [Number of Targets])
Final Health healed per target per frame = [Heal Rate Multipler] * [Asklepian Healing Rate w/ Rodnus]
Spirit drained per target per frame = [Base Asklepian Healing Rate]
Total Spirit drained per frame = max([Spirit Drain per Target] * [Number of Targets], [Number of Targets]*([Total Asklepian Healing Rate w/ 0 Radium] / [Number of Targets]) + 10)
Health drained per target per frame = [Asklepian Healing Rate w/ Rodnus] / 2

Okay, that probably won't make sense for anyone except me, so in terms of trainer values, these equations are:

Radius Faustus = Faustus + (200/99)*Radium - (1000/33)
Faustus applied to each target = min([Radius Faustus] / [Number of Targets], (5/12)*Faustus)
(On Healers) Higgrus healed per frame = 1.75 * ((33/12000)*[Applied Faustus] + (25/12000)*(Target's Sprite or Spiritus)/[Number of Targets])
(On Non-Healers) Histia healed per frame = (33/11100)*[Applied Faustus] + (((50/11100)*(Target's Rodnus) + (25/11100)*(Target's Spiritus)) / [Number of Targets])
Sespus drained per target per frame = max(Faustus / [Number of Targets], [Applied Faustus])*(33/2900)
Higgrus drained per target per frame = (33/24000)*[Applied Faustus] + (50/24000)*(Target's Rodnus / [Number of Targets]) + (25/24000)*(Target's Sprite or Spiritus / [Number of Targets])
(Note: Radium's contribution to healing speed may not be the exact amount described, but is very close to it)

That was probably confusing too. Basically, your effective total Faustus with Radius Healing is 30.3 Faustus less than your normal rate, plus 2.02 Faustus per Radium rank.
The total Faustus is divided between each target being healed (minus some round-off imprecision).
Radium has a soft cap. You cannot heal an individual for more than 5/12ths your normal rate.
The Spirit drain rate and Health drain rate are equal to the rate of the total Faustus applied (minus some round-off imprecision).
It will consume at least as much Spirit as with the moonstone (minus some round-off imprecision), but this is only relevant when healing 1-2 targets or at low amounts of Radium, before you overcome the -30.3 Faustus penalty.
Rodnus/Spiritus/Sprite contribute to the healing and health drain as they normally do, but their effects are divided by the number of targets being healed.
The extra healing provided by Rodnus/Spiritus/Sprite do NOT count toward the soft cap.
Read the Special Abilities page for more info.
