/***************************************************************************** Assign one of the following to each right-click and mouse wheel action: "0" - No action will be performed. Slash commands - Normal in-game slash commands, like "/equip chain". Macro functions - Any callable macro can be used. After configuring the right-click settings, copy the following line to the macro file of each character that will be using these right-click settings, just below the other include lines: include "[MACRO FILE NAME]" setglobal gRC_setup "RC_template" Replace "RC_template" (both in the variable above and in the macro name below) with a unique name to distinguish this set from others. Replace [MACRO FILE NAME] with the name that this file is saved as. *****************************************************************************/ RC_template { message "* Using right-click settings." setglobal gRC_init 1 // Lets the Right-Clicker know that settings have been initialized. Don't change this. setglobal gRC_item "" // This set's special ITEM. setglobal gRC_item_slot "right" // The SLOT this item is equipped in (right, left, neck, finger, shoulders, selected, etc). // Actions without special item equipped: setglobal gRC_right_click_ground "0" // Action called on SINGLE right-click on GROUND. setglobal gRC_double_right_click_ground "0" // Action called on DOUBLE right-click on GROUND. setglobal gRC_right_click_player "0" // Action called on SINGLE right-click on ANOTHER PLAYER. setglobal gRC_double_right_click_player "0" // Action called on DOUBLE right-click on ANOTHER PLAYER. setglobal gRC_right_click_self "0" // Action called on SINGLE right-click on YOURSELF. setglobal gRC_double_right_click_self "0" // Action called on DOUBLE right-click on YOURSELF. setglobal gRC_wheel_up "0" // Action called on WHEEL ticks UP. setglobal gRC_wheel_up_cooldown 0 // Set this to 1 to have this action have a COOLDOWN (cannot call more than once per spin of the wheel). setglobal gRC_wheel_down "0" // Action called on WHEEL ticks DOWN. setglobal gRC_wheel_down_cooldown 1 // Set this to 1 to have this action have a COOLDOWN (cannot call more than once per spin of the wheel). // Actions with special ITEM equipped: setglobal gRC_right_click_ground_with_item "0" // Action called on SINGLE right-click on GROUND with special ITEM equipped. setglobal gRC_double_right_click_ground_with_item "0" // Action called on DOUBLE right-click on GROUND with special ITEM equipped. setglobal gRC_right_click_player_with_item "0" // Action called on SINGLE right-click on ANOTHER PLAYER with special ITEM equipped. setglobal gRC_double_right_click_player_with_item "0" // Action called on DOUBLE right-click on ANOTHER PLAYER with special ITEM equipped. setglobal gRC_right_click_self_with_item "0" // Action called on SINGLE right-click on YOURSELF with special ITEM equipped. setglobal gRC_double_right_click_self_with_item "0" // Action called on DOUBLE right-click on YOURSELF with special ITEM equipped. setglobal gRC_wheel_up_with_item "0" // Action called on WHEEL ticks UP with special ITEM equipped. setglobal gRC_wheel_up_with_item_cooldown 0 // Set this to 1 to have this action have a COOLDOWN (cannot call more than once per spin of the wheel). setglobal gRC_wheel_down_with_item "0" // Action called on WHEEL ticks DOWN with special ITEM equipped. setglobal gRC_wheel_down_with_item_cooldown 1 // Set this to 1 to have this action have a COOLDOWN (cannot call more than once per spin of the wheel). }